Legacy Planning Services Vancouver BC

The pitfalls of striving for unattainable goals

Reaching for Impossible Drains Us


  • Misconception of Achievable Goals: There’s a common belief that any goal can be achieved with the right plan. This belief is misleading and can lead to disappointment when goals are not met. The idea is that not all goals are achievable, and believing otherwise can lead to psychological defeat.

Epictetus’ Perspective:

  • Feasibility and Achievability: Goals should be realistic and within reach. Epictetus, an ancient Greek philosopher, advises ensuring goals are feasible. Avoid overestimating what can be done within a limited time. For instance, don’t plan to accomplish a task that normally takes twelve days in just two days. Consider all factors before setting goals, such as time, space, and possible emergencies.
  • Realistic Goals: Chasing unattainable goals wastes time and leads to frustration. It’s important to recognize and accept that some goals are out of reach.
  • Self-Contentment: Contentment should not depend on others’ opinions or achievements. Inner peace comes from self-acceptance and realistic self-assessment.

Stoicism and Happiness:

  • True Meaning of Happiness: Happiness in Stoicism is about being satisfied with what one has and finding peace, rather than constantly seeking more or avoiding what is unwanted.
  • Looking Within: Real happiness comes from within, not from external sources. Detach from unhealthy desires and focus on appreciating what one already has.
  • Rational and Divine Principle: Stoics believe the universe is rational and governed by a divine principle, which helps individuals achieve happiness by freeing their minds from negative emotions and personal desires.

Stoic Ideology:

  • Contentment with the Present: Stoic philosophy teaches contentment with current circumstances, regardless of challenges or uncertainties. Achievable, realistic goals are key to this contentment.

Practical Takeaway:

  • Live in the Present: Focus on savoring each moment and experience, rather than being consumed by the pursuit of possibly unattainable goals.